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Showing posts from June, 2014

Out There Ridin' Fences

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This article is going to be an odd analogy between hardworking, loyal cowboys and people involved in ministries. The "golden age" of cowboys and the great cattle drives only lasted about twenty years, but quickly became the stuff of many television shows, books, movies and so on. However, cowboys still exist. (While some ignorant people use the word as a pejorative, cowboys then and now were known for hard work and loyalty .) There are not many Westerns being made for television and movies any longer (except for ultra-violent and "adult" shows, it seems), but the image of the loyal cowboy that puts in long hours and does often dangerous work lives on — and cowboys still exist . Roundup on the Cimarron, 1898, Library of Congress A duty in farming and especially in ranching is to "ride the fences". The cowboy rides the fence perimeter to look for damage (which may mean thieves breaking it down to make off with livestock...

Cults Misusing Creation — A Warning for Discernment

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen When presenting the gospel, one thing that I emphasize the importance of biblical creation. Not for its own sake, but because of the importance of the authority of the Bible for the Christian. In my Weblogs and at The Question Evolution Project (as well as the Google Plus version ), I post not only science supporting special creation and refuting evolution, but warnings about atheism's useful idiots who use atheistic interpretations of scientific evidence and elevate "science" into a magisterial position above Scripture. Theistic evolutionists and Old Earth Creationists (OECs) are compromisers who will call creationists "liars" and enemies of Christianity (it is interesting to be called a liar by a liar ) — and still claim to believe the Bible. Jehovah's Witnesses use creation and evolution to distort the truth Atheists, OECs and theistic evolutionists are not the only dangers to a proper understanding of Scripture. Elsewh...