by Cowboy Bob Sorensen After dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight, many professing Christians bring him with them to church. No, he is not afraid of it, or you, or me. Many churches are pusillanimous and infested with unseen demonic entities. How did this happen? Image from Unsplash / Tyler Milligan , with modifications including Clker clipart Many Bible-believing Christians are dismayed by the lack of power in what is called the Body of Christ. Individual churches as well as entire denominations have compromised on the importance of Genesis, biblical inerrancy, and other foundational aspects of Christian doctrine. Far too many do not preach the Word of God, and people reject its authority. (Years ago, I endured some sermons were so feckless, I heard better sermons in Christian rock songs!) Satan is not dismayed whate'er betide. It's been said that one of the devil's greatest achievements is to convince people that he doesn't exist. To get people into churches...
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