Pardon the awkward title, but Blogger, a property of the leftists at Google, was not allowing the previous one to publish. Since they keep destroying my work now, I keep backing it up so I can eventually post something. Even if I have to change titles and publishing times.
There are professing Christians who believe that the Genesis Flood was a local event. Worse, some say it was allegorical. Mayhaps they were not taught well, have not seriously read the Bible — or fully believe it. Denying the global Flood has serious repercussions.
Credit: Pixabay / Jeff Jacobs |
To be blunt, by denying the global Flood, they not only have a problem with biblical authority, they are also calling God a liar. It is referenced several times in Scripture. Bible authors under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit affirmed the global Flood, as did Jesus who is God the Son. If they were mistaken or dishonest, professing Christians have serious problems with who to trust for their salvation.
It is clear that the Flood was global, even without in-depth studies of Hebrew and Greek words. In addition, we see that the Noachian Flood was catastrophic. An explanation of the original languages is helpful in this area, but again, much can be learned by reading the Bible. Creation science emphasizes what is observed in geology. When old-earth assumptions are stripped away and the evidence is seriously considered from a Flood geology standpoint, things make a great deal more sense than an allegorical, mythical, or local Flood.
I have had the privilege of speaking on creation and evolution in 35 countries, and I have found that most Christians have never considered the biblical and scientific evidence that Genesis 1–11 is literal history and teaches that the creation is only about 6000 years old. I have also found that most Christians accept the claim made by the scientific majority that the earth is billions of years old. I have further found that whether Christians accept the millions of years or not, the vast majority have never considered Noah’s flood and its relevance to the question of the age of the earth.
To read the rest of this informative article, see "Noah’s Flood: a Historical, Global Catastrophe".