by Cowboy Bob Sorensen
One of the most important aspects of the Christian life is to have a strong foundation. As Christians, we are supposed to rely on the Word of God in all matters of our faith (2 Peter 1:19-21, 2 Tim. 3:16-17, Luke 6:47-48). The source of all major Christian doctrines can be found in Genesis. When people build their faith on fun things, liberal theology, emotionalism, personal experiences , and other things instead of Scripture, the results are disastrous. Take a warning from Gungor.
Michael and Lisa Gungor, who performed and recorded as Gungor, were popular in Christian music circles for a while. Michael got on the prod and complained about creation, the Flood, and Genesis. Let me plagiarize a section of my article a bit:
In the above quote, I said I wouldn't be surprised if he became an atheist. Well, Michael did become an atheist for a year. Is he an atheist now? According to Twitter, he is a "mystic".
Although I saw some atheists happy that he has renounced Christianity, it appears that he does not want to be numbered among them.
Since his strange (possibly pantheistic) belief is "fluid", who knows where he and his wife will end up.
Despite the claims of some professing atheists and tinhorn apostates, there is no such thing as a former Christian. Sure, people have doubts and get confused on some things. To reject Jesus and the Bible after being transformed and adopted (2 Cor. 5:17, Gal. 4:4-7, John 3:3) and become a former Christian is a theological impossibility. Like a song says, you can't lose what you didn't have, and as the Bible says, people who left were never Christians (1 John 2:19).
Now I would like to turn you over to Wretched Radio for more information and discussion. It is the first segment, then a break of about three minutes, followed by a little bit more. The next segment is appropriate for this situation as well if you have a notion to keep listening. To hear online or download, click on this link.
One of the most important aspects of the Christian life is to have a strong foundation. As Christians, we are supposed to rely on the Word of God in all matters of our faith (2 Peter 1:19-21, 2 Tim. 3:16-17, Luke 6:47-48). The source of all major Christian doctrines can be found in Genesis. When people build their faith on fun things, liberal theology, emotionalism, personal experiences , and other things instead of Scripture, the results are disastrous. Take a warning from Gungor.
Credit: Unsplash / Dominik Scythe |
Christian and musician Michael Gungor was in the midst of controversy because of his statements rejecting literal creation. Guess who likes him? Biologos! Also, this venomous TE also used the Gungor controversy for his own anti-creationist attacks (note the comments from atheists as well). . . . After denying the foundation for the gospel in Genesis, Gungor has progressed to denying the gospel message itself by ridiculing substitutionary atonement and calling it "murder". I wouldn't be at all surprised if Gungor declares himself an atheist.I don't rightly recollect when this happened, but one bitter apostate was happy about Gungor's attitude and wanted to encourage him. People who reject the truth are happy when others do so. This brings Romans 1:32 to mind.
In the above quote, I said I wouldn't be surprised if he became an atheist. Well, Michael did become an atheist for a year. Is he an atheist now? According to Twitter, he is a "mystic".
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Despite the claims of some professing atheists and tinhorn apostates, there is no such thing as a former Christian. Sure, people have doubts and get confused on some things. To reject Jesus and the Bible after being transformed and adopted (2 Cor. 5:17, Gal. 4:4-7, John 3:3) and become a former Christian is a theological impossibility. Like a song says, you can't lose what you didn't have, and as the Bible says, people who left were never Christians (1 John 2:19).
Now I would like to turn you over to Wretched Radio for more information and discussion. It is the first segment, then a break of about three minutes, followed by a little bit more. The next segment is appropriate for this situation as well if you have a notion to keep listening. To hear online or download, click on this link.