Prophecy is an important and prominent component of the Bible, and many of them were specifically and rather dramatically fulfilled already. Others are yet to happen. Many Christians are heavily involved in eschatology (end-times prophecies), and it is a fascinating subject. I'll allow that it's mighty confusing at times, however, and it is not my strongest subject. There are several different viewpoints that I will not go into here, but I'll let you know that I lean toward what is often called the Premillennial view, as I believe its proponents make the most compelling case.
I think one reason that there is different schools of thought on prophecy is that God has his own reasons for making some things hidden. Prophecies about Jesus were not known during his earthly ministry, and the fulfillments were not recognized until after his Resurrection. Also, God does not do things according to our demands. Add to this that we need to look at the historical, cultural, grammatical, biblical, and other contexts when looking at eschatology.
To add to the mix, we have the Seventy Weeks prophecy — or is that prophecies? To say that this section of Daniel is symbolic isn't worth a plugged nickle, but comfortable for liberal religious folks. Some aspects were predicted and fulfilled already. "Weeks" means "weeks of years". There seems to be a gap before the final week... Look, I'll let you read the article and see what you think.
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To add to the mix, we have the Seventy Weeks prophecy — or is that prophecies? To say that this section of Daniel is symbolic isn't worth a plugged nickle, but comfortable for liberal religious folks. Some aspects were predicted and fulfilled already. "Weeks" means "weeks of years". There seems to be a gap before the final week... Look, I'll let you read the article and see what you think.
This is one of the most amazing prophecies in the Bible. It predicted the very day that Jesus was declared to be “Messiah the King.” There are two basic interpretations, both agree that it predicts the time of Jesus’ first coming, the Futurist interpretation states that the prophecy is yet to be completed, but the Fulfilled interpretation believes that it was completely fulfilled within a few years of Jesus’ life on earth. Aspects of both interpretations will be examined, but the Futurist interpretation is the one that will be shown to be the correct view.To finish reading, click on "The Seventy Weeks".