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A Creation Apologetics Pickle Analogy

This is a title I never thought I would use. A recent post on Twitter asked what you would say to a stranger on the street, but that is not usually the best approach. When it comes to apologetics, Christians and creationists who are informed on their subjects use analogies and other things as springboards. Indeed, I have referred to Stargate SG-1, and used Star Trek:TNG as inspirations for creation articles.

People like to have something in common for discussions, and apologists often use analogies. A pickle is a rather unusual analogy, but it works.
Augustine probably never made a pickle analogy (apologies to Pietro Perugino)
Sometimes when watching a show, I will remark to my wife about how something we are seeing was designed by our Creator. In conversations, people like to have something in common or relatable. The discussion can move into more important subjects. I was surprised that a kosher dill pickle can be used to make four points about creation and in evangelism.
Food, even dill pickles, can provide relevant insights for creation apologetics. Since November 14th is National Pickle Day, this is a good time to consider how dill pickles can remind us of four apologetics values. These four priorities connect specific Scriptures to dill, cucumbers, garlic, salt, and vinegar—basic ingredients for making kosher dill pickles.

To crunch on the rest of the article, see "Pickles for Apologetics."