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Showing posts with the label Christian Rock

Remembering the Real Reason for Thanksgiving

Although other cultures have harvest festivals and days of thanks, but Thanksgiving Day has distinctly Christian origins. Canada has Thanksgiving on the second Monday of October, and there are similarities as well as differences between the two. Due to ungrateful hearts and secularization, many Americans have mainly forgotten the reason for this holiday. Visions of feasting, football, and naps followed by a frantic day of shopping on Friday by the financially blessed tend to crowd its origin from our thoughts. We need to examine our history and priorities. Unsplash / Kiy Turk Many people know about the 1621 observance in Plymouth, Massachusetts. It did not establish an annual day of thanks. In fact, there were other times when it was occasioned and the date was not established until President Franklin D. Roosevelt moved it to its present time slot in 1939. Retailers wanted more shopping days before Christmas, but at least FDR remembered that Thanksgiving Day was set up to give honor t

Human Wisdom Elevated above the Wisdom of God

As many Bible-believing Christians know, there is a disdain for the authority of the Word of God. This is to be expected from unbelievers, as they are blinded to spiritual truth. Sadly, many professing Christians also downplay the importance of Scripture. As Christians, the Bible is the foundation of our thinking in every area — or should  be. It is true from the very first verse, and Genesis is the source of all major Christian doctrines . The Bible is the source of real knowledge and wisdom. Unsplash / Priscilla Du Preez Some owlhoots have a problem with the biblical authority and the source of wisdom, and they misrepresent biblical creationists for believing those things. Part of the difficulty comes from definitions. Connotations, really. In the eyes of God, atheists are fools (Psalm 14:1). The word fool, נָבָל ( nabal ), means a vile person, and is not necessarily that someone is stupid. However, the noetic effect of sin  means that sin infects all areas, including the thinking pr

Christians and Misplaced Trust in Experts

Secularists often say science and faith are not compatible, which is usually accompanied by misrepresentations of faith and then ridicule. Professing atheists furiously defend minerals-to-microbiologist evolution, which is foundational to their religion. Theistic evolutionists promote atheistic interpretations of science philosophies above biblical truth. A major organization for TEs is BioLogos, which is famous for misrepresenting and belittling biblical creationists. Like cultists, they occasionally have elements of truth in what they say. This happened in their article on trusting scientific experts. Although the BioLogos article had grains of truth, it had serious errors from the start. There were also inconsistencies and contradictions. Biblical creationists do not advocate denial of science, but we do encourage discretion. Scientific "facts" change. (The proponents of "follow the science" cite the secular science industry where it has promoted biological impos

The Gospel Cannot Be Eradicated

The Bible has been restricted and even illegal in many countries , especially those controlled by atheists or Islamists. China and North Korea have state atheism, as did the former Soviet Union and other communist countries. Obtaining a Bible in many Mohammedan countries is done through covert means. Christian persecution is increasing in the West. There are several reasons for this, including apathetic professing Christians, trends in the world, and allowing ourselves to be kept in a box. Militant atheists are increasingly vitriolic in their efforts to legislate (and ridicule) Bible-believing Christians. Unsplash / James Coleman Romania is one of the places that was in the Soviet bloc, so naturally they pushed evolution and atheism. Richard Wurmbrand was an atheist, became a Christian and a pastor, then was heavily persecuted for his faith. In his 1967 book Tortured for Christ , he wrote: The cruelty of atheism is hard to believe. When a man has no faith in the reward of good or the

Rejecting the Light of Biblical Creation

Several months ago, I was in a hair cuttery and we were making conversation. It came up that I write creation science material, and the lady said she had never heard of it. Her nearby co-worker had a modicum of knowledge, but that was it. Living in a culture that is saturated with atheistic materialism, that is not a surprise. Freeimages / Brano Hudak People are in spiritual darkness (John 3:19), are blinded to the light of the truth (2 Cor. 4:4), and cannot understand spiritual matters of any depth (1 Cor. 2:14). While it is not up to us to have brilliant arguments and save the lost (1 Cor. 2:1-5), we are to sanctify Christ as Lord and be ready to present the gospel (1 Peter 3:15). The Holy Spirit does the drawing, convicting, and saving. Evolution is foundational to atheism (which in turn are foundational to naturalistic philosophies, secular humanism, and so on) as well as some other non-Christian religions. Some people, like the barber mentioned above, are ignorant of the truth. Af

Bringing Satan into the Church

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  After dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight, many professing Christians bring him with them to church. No, he is not afraid of it, or you, or me. Many churches are pusillanimous and infested with unseen demonic entities. How did this happen? Image from Unsplash / Tyler Milligan , with modifications including Clker clipart Many Bible-believing Christians are dismayed by the lack of power in what is called the Body of Christ. Individual churches as well as entire denominations have compromised on the importance of Genesis, biblical inerrancy, and other foundational aspects of Christian doctrine. Far too many do not preach the Word of God, and people reject its authority. (Years ago, I endured some sermons were so feckless, I heard better sermons in Christian rock songs!) Satan is not dismayed whate'er betide. It's been said that one of the devil's greatest achievements is to convince people that he doesn't exist. To get people into churches

Satan Does Not Care about Losing a Misotheist

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Every once in a while, people come across a report that someone has left atheism and become a theist. One famous example is Antony Flew, who was raised in a liberal denomination and decided he was an atheist in his teenage years. Later, he decided that the evidence proves there is a God . He apparently never came to a saving faith. Simply believing that God exists is nowhere near enough. Credits: Satan Calling Up his Legions / William Blake, 1804, modified at PhotoFunia Unfortunately, several reports have Christians rejoicing more than they should over former atheists that have joined heterodox religious groups, false religions, and even cults. Back when Adam, the federal head of humanity sinned, Satan took control of this world (Rom. 5:19, John 8:44, 2 Cor. 4:4). All have sinned (Rom. 3:23), and we are deserving of Hell (Rom. 6:23). Just believing that God exists is not enough. Even the demons know God exists, and they have more sense that the typical atheist

Rejecting Lies and Herd Mentality

Many people who claim to "follow the science" really do not. Appeals to authority linked with lack of critical thinking, plus ignorance of actual science, are disastrous to societies as well as individuals. Culturally correct, consensus, and "woke" views actually dismiss scientific realities in favor of political trends and emotionalism. Taking a stand for truth and reality can be hazardous to careers — and even personal safety. Credit: Pixnio / Rachel Claire (slightly modified) Darwin's hijacked version of natural selection as well as neo-Darwinian evolution are thrown around as if they were established truth. We are bombarded with the "fact" of evolution, and assertions are often subtle. Most people go along with the herd and accept what is presented as science. What is more disturbing is that in recent years, secular scientists have been saddling up and riding with deviant behavior. Considering how the formerly United States is under divine judgmen

After Question Evolution Day — The Narrow Path to Creation

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen February 12 was the 10th annual  Question Evolution Day , an event in which almost anyone can participate. People may object, thinking that origins is an academic issue. Some even think that there is a  message of hope in evolution , but that is the opposite of the truth. Image for the 10th annual Question Evolution Day by  Why?Outreach Seekers after the truth become excited after attending seminars, reading articles and books, watching videos, and so forth about how recent creation affirms the Bible and refutes evolution. Then many lose their enthusiasm. Indeed, people were excited about QED and promised to get involved, but failed to keep their promises (there were some, however, that did their part, and even more. I am grateful to them.) There are parallels in the Bible to consider. What Kind of Soil? While the Parable of the Sower (Luke 8:4-15) is about people who hear and receive the word of the Kingdom, similarities between enthusiasm for Question Evolution

Trusting God in Apologetics

There are Christians who are excited about using apologetics to defend and present the faith, and there are others who think that is a job for experts. All Christians are commanded to present the faith (2 Cor. 10:5, Col. 4:5-6, 1 Peter 3:15, Acts 17:22-31), but some are called to be more intense with it. And "tense" can apply to many of us. Mostly made at The Keep-Calm-O-Matic  using an image from NASA (Usage of images does not imply endorsement of site contents by anyone) It is indeed unfortunate that some are intent on winning arguments rather than helping the lost come to Christ. Similarly, we can expend mental energy trying to analyze (and sometimes rehash) situations so we can give the most devastating arguments. Yes, by all means, do the best you can. Sometimes we may feel that we botched it. That happens. However, convicting of sin and saving people is the work of the Holy Spirit; we do not do the saving. It is not up to our brilliance (1 Cor. 2:1-5), which can lead to

Distinguishing Between "Make" and "Create" in Genesis 1

There are some professing Christians who insist on finding ways of adding long ages into the Bible, but they ignore the context. While the context is frequently the surrounding verses, it can also mean culture, languages, and more. We look now at make  and create . Credit: Freeimages / Fernanda Ferrari Those owlhoots have attempted to bushwhack the plain meaning of Scripture by saying that they are different aspects of creation, and that make  means using material that was already created. Their eisegesis becomes heinous when their alleged distinction is used to give them license to add millions of years. Some even try to shove evolution into the picture. It won't work, especially when the greater context includes the New Testament. Many people who have written on Genesis 1 have attempted to make a very significant distinction between two Hebrew words found there: bara (בָּרָא, to create) and asah (עָשָׂה, to make or do). Theistic evolutionists (TEs) and old-earth creationists (O

Christmas — Relatively Speaking

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  For a short time, there was a series of captioned pictures often called "Unimpressed Astronaut" where the image was condescending about, for example, sky diving . There are many comparisons that people make, and getting some perspective can be a good thing at times.  Adoration of the Shepherds , Giorgione, ca. 1505 We had the winter's first serious cold spell, reaching low temperatures of two degrees Fahrenheit (almost minus 17 Celsius). It was cold for us , especially since winter did not hit our area all that hard until the week of December 17, 2020. People in Montana and other states would be saying, "That's cute". So would many in Canada, eh? Or Siberia, such as in this two-minute video which, for some reason, suddenly became age restricted but I see no problem whatsoever with showing it to children: So, some things that may seem like a big deal to one person are not all that impressive to another. Indeed, what is considered pover

Theophilus the Biblical Apologist

Some people claim that biblical (young age) creation is a recent phenomenon, but that is contrary to most of church history and to the Bible. Theophilus of Antioch was an apologist who believed the creation account in Genesis and defended the truth of Scripture. Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos /  Janaka Dharmasena Theophilus was a former pagan who converted to Christianity, then he wrote a long apologetic to a pagan named Autolycus about the truth of the Bible. He obviously knew paganism and the Scriptures, and affirmed the authority of God's Word — beginning from Genesis. We need to do the same in our own increasingly idolatrous and pagan cultures. In the second century, after the original disciples of Jesus had died, the fledlging Christian church was beginning to grow and expand into a hostile Greco-Roman world, and accusations were brought against them by unbelievers. These accusations came from a number of people, one of whom was Pliny the Younger, governor of Bithynia. Pliny wrote

Meditation with the Proper Focus

It may be surprising, but everyone meditates in one form or another. It manifests itself in different ways, whether obsession in how to cheat and win an election, activities of favorite sports times, how much an atheist hates God that destroying "religion" and attacking Christians is an all-consuming goal, proving dust-to-Darwin evolution is true, television, sitting there woolgathering , and more. Some seek more formal types of meditation. Credit: Pexels / Gantas Vaičiulėnas Much of what is used for meditation purposes involves Eastern religious practices. Some versions want the meditator to empty the mind and think of nothing, but that is actually dangerous because (some folks balk at this truth) people are opening themselves up to demonic influences. No, I'm not saying you'll become possessed necessarily, but demonic influence does happen through opening that door. The word mindfulness  is often used regarding meditation, but not in the sense of paying attention t

Christians and Space Alien Stories

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen As many Bible believers know, the Christian life can sometimes be like walking through a minefield. We have to stay close to God to lead us through it. This involves getting into the Word, prayer, receiving solid biblical instruction, and more. We also must keep in balance. While many pleasures are not inherently sinful, we need to be careful about what we allow into our minds. How about science fiction? Credit: Pixabay /  JavierRodrigues Some Christians seem almost fearful that if they do anything that is not spiritually edifying, they will dishonor Christ. This can be truth out of balance because of the need of building up faith and godly wisdom, and focusing on those things is important — especially for a new Christian. (I'm all in favor of going a mite overboard for a while in that area.) I'm listening to classical music while writing this. While it's "secular", it's not harmful to my spiritual life. Savvy? By necessity, bi

Christians Must Stop Being Defensive

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Since this post will undoubtedly get many people angry, timorous Christians can stop reading now. Is there anybody left? Great! I have some blunt truth for both of you. Just recently, I had a crisis of — what do I call it? Not of faith. The reasoning of online village atheists is childish, full of logical holes and excuses so I'm not going over to the darkness. It's also a great time to be a biblical creationist, as we already had a passel of evidence and reason to support special creation and refute the Bearded Buddha's evolutionary machinations. But I wanted to give up. More than once. Charge of the Rough Riders at San Juan Hill , Frederic Remington, 1898 This may seem a strange time to tell y'all this, but it's in keeping with the rest of the article and the one linked below. When everything's looking good with faith, reason, and evidence, why should I want to quit? Because of professing Christians. Because of lazy  Christi