by Cowboy Bob Sorensen
Since this post will undoubtedly get many people angry, timorous Christians can stop reading now. Is there anybody left? Great! I have some blunt truth for both of you.
Just recently, I had a crisis of — what do I call it? Not of faith. The reasoning of online village atheists is childish, full of logical holes and excuses so I'm not going over to the darkness. It's also a great time to be a biblical creationist, as we already had a passel of evidence and reason to support special creation and refute the Bearded Buddha's evolutionary machinations.
But I wanted to give up. More than once.
This may seem a strange time to tell y'all this, but it's in keeping with the rest of the article and the one linked below. When everything's looking good with faith, reason, and evidence, why should I want to quit? Because of professing Christians. Because of lazy Christians. As I have said before, my goal is to glorify God and help equip the saints to stand on the Word of God. Why should I waste my time researching and writing when religious people "fight" evolution through captioned pictures, or fight each other over trivial matters? 1 Peter 3:15-16 is not just for doctrine, but for faith and presenting reasons that we believe.
This child thinks that although mediocre "Christians" have been around from the get-go, it's getting worse now in the Western world. Many of us don't fight back against worldly philosophies, liberal theology, and leftist government in Western countries. In stark contrast, the church in persecuted countries is growing — they take the faith seriously and pay dearly for living it.
We hear and read about heroes of the faith that did not back down, make admiring noises, and then fill our minds with worldly pleasures. Do we really wonder why we get horsewhipped in discussions with atheists and evolutionists? There are pastors and teachers who try to build up other believers and equipment for the fight. We can try to learn.
If you want to stand on the sidelines and offer plates of cookies and group hugs to enemies of God instead of contending for the faith (2 Cor. 10:4-5, Jude 1:3, Eph. 6:11), you can at least pray for us who are in the battle. However, we are all called to contend for the faith. When we are lazy and uninformed, Satan's handmaidens walk all over us.
Expect persecution if you're going to stand up for the Word. None of this "God wants me to be happy" nonsense. The Christian life is not easy, so that's probably why we have so many CINOs (Christians In Name Only). We were told persecution would happen (2 Tim. 3:12, Mark 4:17, Acts 11:19, Rom. 8:35), and it comes in many forms. Is your commitment to the approval of man, or the approval of God?
In addition to praying for those on the front lines and giving financial contributions (no, I don't want your money), get into the Word and know your doctrine (applicable instruction). Some people think that doctrine is almost a dirty word or reserved for Bible scholars, but that's not true. Romans 16:1, 1 Timothy 4:6, Hebrews 6:1 and others indicate that laypeople as well as elders know doctrine. Otherwise (as is too often the case), professing Christians are deceived by false doctrine (Eph. 4:14, Acts 20:30) and bad philosophies. Biblically illiterate religious people who operate by emotions and take verses out of context sicken me. That's right, I said it!
Learn about creation science. No, not to be an expert, but a good working knowledge is important when dealing with evolution. (I have no advanced degrees, but I'm writing posts and articles. You savvy that?) We can also refer honest enquirers to those ministries that are more likely to answer their questions if we are unable. There are thousands of articles, books, videos, and so on available. Many of those are free. Use them.
Why is biblical creation important? I'll let you head on over to the creation science ministries that are linked in many of these articles for more details, but know this: evolution is foundational to atheism, and Genesis is foundational to all major Christian doctrines.
Many of us in biblical creation science ministries try to encourage people to learn how to think. There are many resources on this site that are helpful (as well as on Piltdown Superman, such as this one). It is extremely useful (and I think it's even fun) learning to spot and how to avoid using logical fallacies. I saw one brilliant author and teacher debate a famous atheist about evolution. The atheist cleaned his clock. Not because of evidence, but because the Christian didn't call him out on the many logical fallacies employed, and he did not use a biblical apologetic.
When we catch atheists and evolutionists in fallacies and bad science, they become incensed. I reckon one reason is that these owlhoots are used to dealing with timorous Christians who are in awe of The Mighty Atheist™. But they are full of malarkey, man, and hate it when knowledgeable people stand up to their bullying. Proper use of the Word of God and apologetics shuts their mouths (Rom. 3:19). Not literally, since they resort to invective and distractions, but their worldview is shown to be fundamentally flawed and they have nothing cogent to say.
As Christians, we are attacked, intimidated, and marginalized by secularists. Why? Because of a faulty understanding of "being loving"? More likely, it's because of the things discussed above. We have the truth on our side, and we are on God's side! The Creator of the universe became a man, died on a cross for our sins, bodily resurrected, ascended, and the Spirit indwells all believers. And you're afraid of God's enemies?
It's time to stand, fight, and win. Be bold, not pusillanimous. We may not see the results immediately or even in this life. Meanwhile, people are wise in their own eyes and going to Hell while we hide our lights under bushels. Part of loving God is with our minds. Not everyone is a genius, but we are called to use what we have been given. We are most definitely not called to, as one preacher said, "Go ye into all the church and wait until I come and get you". After you read the article linked below (yes, I'm asking a lot, but this is important), get your armor on (Eph 6:10-20).
Since this post will undoubtedly get many people angry, timorous Christians can stop reading now. Is there anybody left? Great! I have some blunt truth for both of you.
Just recently, I had a crisis of — what do I call it? Not of faith. The reasoning of online village atheists is childish, full of logical holes and excuses so I'm not going over to the darkness. It's also a great time to be a biblical creationist, as we already had a passel of evidence and reason to support special creation and refute the Bearded Buddha's evolutionary machinations.
But I wanted to give up. More than once.
Charge of the Rough Riders at San Juan Hill, Frederic Remington, 1898 |
This child thinks that although mediocre "Christians" have been around from the get-go, it's getting worse now in the Western world. Many of us don't fight back against worldly philosophies, liberal theology, and leftist government in Western countries. In stark contrast, the church in persecuted countries is growing — they take the faith seriously and pay dearly for living it.
If you want to stand on the sidelines and offer plates of cookies and group hugs to enemies of God instead of contending for the faith (2 Cor. 10:4-5, Jude 1:3, Eph. 6:11), you can at least pray for us who are in the battle. However, we are all called to contend for the faith. When we are lazy and uninformed, Satan's handmaidens walk all over us.
Expect persecution if you're going to stand up for the Word. None of this "God wants me to be happy" nonsense. The Christian life is not easy, so that's probably why we have so many CINOs (Christians In Name Only). We were told persecution would happen (2 Tim. 3:12, Mark 4:17, Acts 11:19, Rom. 8:35), and it comes in many forms. Is your commitment to the approval of man, or the approval of God?
In addition to praying for those on the front lines and giving financial contributions (no, I don't want your money), get into the Word and know your doctrine (applicable instruction). Some people think that doctrine is almost a dirty word or reserved for Bible scholars, but that's not true. Romans 16:1, 1 Timothy 4:6, Hebrews 6:1 and others indicate that laypeople as well as elders know doctrine. Otherwise (as is too often the case), professing Christians are deceived by false doctrine (Eph. 4:14, Acts 20:30) and bad philosophies. Biblically illiterate religious people who operate by emotions and take verses out of context sicken me. That's right, I said it!
Learn about creation science. No, not to be an expert, but a good working knowledge is important when dealing with evolution. (I have no advanced degrees, but I'm writing posts and articles. You savvy that?) We can also refer honest enquirers to those ministries that are more likely to answer their questions if we are unable. There are thousands of articles, books, videos, and so on available. Many of those are free. Use them.
Why is biblical creation important? I'll let you head on over to the creation science ministries that are linked in many of these articles for more details, but know this: evolution is foundational to atheism, and Genesis is foundational to all major Christian doctrines.
Many of us in biblical creation science ministries try to encourage people to learn how to think. There are many resources on this site that are helpful (as well as on Piltdown Superman, such as this one). It is extremely useful (and I think it's even fun) learning to spot and how to avoid using logical fallacies. I saw one brilliant author and teacher debate a famous atheist about evolution. The atheist cleaned his clock. Not because of evidence, but because the Christian didn't call him out on the many logical fallacies employed, and he did not use a biblical apologetic.
When we catch atheists and evolutionists in fallacies and bad science, they become incensed. I reckon one reason is that these owlhoots are used to dealing with timorous Christians who are in awe of The Mighty Atheist™. But they are full of malarkey, man, and hate it when knowledgeable people stand up to their bullying. Proper use of the Word of God and apologetics shuts their mouths (Rom. 3:19). Not literally, since they resort to invective and distractions, but their worldview is shown to be fundamentally flawed and they have nothing cogent to say.
As Christians, we are attacked, intimidated, and marginalized by secularists. Why? Because of a faulty understanding of "being loving"? More likely, it's because of the things discussed above. We have the truth on our side, and we are on God's side! The Creator of the universe became a man, died on a cross for our sins, bodily resurrected, ascended, and the Spirit indwells all believers. And you're afraid of God's enemies?
It's time to stand, fight, and win. Be bold, not pusillanimous. We may not see the results immediately or even in this life. Meanwhile, people are wise in their own eyes and going to Hell while we hide our lights under bushels. Part of loving God is with our minds. Not everyone is a genius, but we are called to use what we have been given. We are most definitely not called to, as one preacher said, "Go ye into all the church and wait until I come and get you". After you read the article linked below (yes, I'm asking a lot, but this is important), get your armor on (Eph 6:10-20).
I'd be much obliged if you'd read the rest at "Christians Need to Stop Retreating and Take the Lead in the Marketplace of Ideas". Please pray for this ministry and the others who are seeking to edify God's people.The Apostle Paul took on the greatest philosophers and thinkers in Athens and other cities of the Roman world. While staying humble and acting in love, he and the other apostles were unashamed (Romans 1:16) and bold (Acts 4:13, 31). Their churches helped launch a philosophical and cultural revolution that changed the world. There have been many ups and downs in the interim, but Biblical worldview holds its own even today centuries after the scientific revolution and 161 years after the Darwinian revolution. The academic consensus belittles “evangelical Christians,” but so did the Stoics and Epicureans in Paul’s Day. Numerous also-rans for philosophical dominance have come and gone, often attacking Christianity as part of their strategy. The Bible is an anvil that has broken many hammers.Today, “evangelicals” are marginalized by the so-called “elites” of our culture as a voting block or political category that opposes science. With Yoda Complexes in gear, secularists try to psychoanalyze these strange people who don’t follow the “consensus” of scientific or political thought. But Christ followers have equal rights in the marketplace of ideas. If they had the courage of their convictions, they could turn the tables and analyze the secular mindset. In fact, they are in a better position to do so, since they have a necessary and sufficient cause for the origin of the universe and life with all its specified complexity and functional excellence. Why be shy about it? Why let the secularists dictate the terms of the discussion? Why not go on offense?