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The Two Basic Worldviews

Not so long ago, we would hear people pontificating about two kinds of people, such as, "There are two kinds of people: those who believe the Bible, and those who do not".* It may come as a surprise to some people to learn that there are only two worldviews.

We all have a worldview, which is like spectacles through which we interpret information and live our lives. Essentially, there are only two.
Original image before modification: Freeimages / Kenn Kiser
Most people have probably not made a study of their worldviews, but they are the basis of how we live our lives, our presuppositions, our epistemology, and so on. Atheists presuppose there is no God, so their misotheistic spectacles impact how they live their lives and interpret evidence. The same with Christians. There are variations within worldviews of course, such as biblical creationists who are Christians, or professing atheists who are not entirely unreasonable. Essentially, there are only two worldviews.

Picture two people in a living room. A man puts on green-colored glasses, and a woman puts on red-colored glasses. Everything the man sees has a green tint while everything the woman sees has a red shade. The couch may be brown, but to the man it will be a greenish-brown. The chair may be white, but to the woman it will have a pinkish-hue. Everything is colored by the glasses the man and the woman wear. That’s what happens with a worldview.

To read the rest of this short but informative article, visit "Only Two Worldviews".

* My favorite send-up of these things came around when the fad was fading, "There are two kinds of people: those who divide people into two kinds, and those who don't".