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Gungor, Apostasy, and Bad Foundations

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen One of the most important aspects of the Christian life is to have a strong foundation. As Christians, we are supposed to rely on the Word of God in all matters of our faith (2 Peter 1:19-21, 2 Tim. 3:16-17, Luke 6:47-48). The source of all major Christian doctrines can be found in Genesis . When people build their faith on fun things, liberal theology, emotionalism, personal experiences , and other things instead of Scripture, the results are disastrous. Take a warning from Gungor. Credit: Unsplash / Dominik Scythe Michael and Lisa Gungor, who performed and recorded as Gungor, were popular in Christian music circles for a while. Michael got on the prod and complained about creation, the Flood, and Genesis . Let me plagiarize a section of my article a bit: Christian and musician Michael Gungor was in the midst of controversy because of his statements rejecting literal creation. Guess who likes him? Biologos !  Also , t his venomous TE also use d the

Evolutionism and Earth Goddess Worship

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Evolution is not simply a biological hypothesis, but is actually an ancient pagan belief presented as science. Indeed, when the Apostle Paul was debating with philosophers in Acts 17:16-34, those Epicureans in Acts 18:18 were pagan evolutionists. If you commence to doing some reference digging, you will find that evolutionary beliefs can be seen in ancient Hindu beliefs. Did you ever notice that much of paganism is based on goddess worship? Gaea  (another spelling of Gaia) by Anselm Feuerbach, 1875 You hear the expression "Mother Earth", right? People usually who use the term are generally ignorant of its pagan origins and associations . Same as referring to Earth as Terra (standing on terra firma, the earth) , which is the Roman counterpart for the Greek Gaia  (or Gaea). The enviornmental movement is, at its core, essentially based on evolution and the rejection of our Creator. While there are good points in the environmental movement, some

Belief in the Eternal Hell

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen It is in the latter part of October as I write this, and people are getting all excited Halloween, which is the most important holiday for witches and Satanists. People get cutesy with it, portraying the Devil as a red dude with a short beard and horns who carries a pitchfork. They often believe he is the the boss of Hell. All of these images are like the crowded bathtub version of Noah's Ark: cute stories for kids, but big people don't believe them. I'll allow that there are more somber depictions of Hell that are a bit closer to biblical reality. Fallen angels in Hell by John Martin, ca. 1841 Some rock stars and People who reject or simply do not bother to learn the truth in God's Word are going to having a miserable eternity. We can debate about whether or not the flames of Hell are literal or figurative, but it should be clear that Hell is not a place to go and have wild parties with friends; it will live up to its name. People who be

Faith and Understanding

Every once in a while, some jasper drag this swayback out of the corral: "Faith is believing in something you know isn't true". Great. Now give it a sugar cube and put it back. Such an insult has nothing to do with Christian faith, and also shows ignorance of the real meaning of the word. Credit: Freeimages / V Fouche Everyone has faith in something to one degree or another, but the important thing is where our faith is placed. Christians know (or should know) that it is impossible to please God without faith (Heb. 11:6). Some folks think that faith is blind, or believing for its own sake, but that's not the case. Our faith is supported by evidence, and God's Word is self-attesting as well as supported by evidence. With God's help, we can persevere in an unbelieving culture. The ‘hall of faith’ in Hebrews 11 is one of the passages that Christians are most familiar with. It is inspiring to look at the recounting of the biblical heroes, and spurs us on

They Exchanged the Truth for the Lie

Christians are to stand on the Word of God, which is inerrant in the original autographs (2 Peter 1:20-21), and is authoritative. We can learn not only about salvation (Rom. 3:23, Rom. 6:23, John 1:12-13, Eph. 2:8-9) and how to live the Christian life (2 Tim. 3:16), but why many people choose to reject God and ride the Owlhoot Trail. Credit: Pixabay / Pete Linforth Atheists often demand, "Prove to me God exists!", and enthusiastic but uninformed Christians attempt to give all kinds of proofs. If they had spent enough time in the Bible, these Christians would have seen that there is no place where someone tries to prove God's existence. Further, they know that God is real, but suppress the truth! Have you noticed that there is more hostility in the world toward our Creator and his Word, and there is more persecution of Christians? Atheists and liberal "Christians" hate Genesis with a passion. Jesus, Peter, Paul, and others in the Bible qu

Albert Mohler's Reformation Lecture Series

People may have thought that we had the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, considered to have "officially" begun on October 31, 1517 when Martin Luther posted his Ninety-five Theses on the "social media" of his time. Read an article, listen to a message, have a German beer and ride off into the sunset. Not so. As we saw in several posts last year, the Reformation had its beginnings long before that date, and continued afterward. Luther at the Diet of Worms , Anton Werner 1877 Dr. Albert Mohler had been presenting a series on the Five Solas which I was looking forward to posting in time for the big anniversary observance. Delays happened, so I decided to save them for y'all in time for the 501st anniversary. Before obtaining those, I recommend reading his article, " Here We Stand ". They lectures are in MP3 format, so you can download and listen to them at your convenience. Free of charge, naturally. Each link will take you to the page where

Was the Genesis Flood Tranquil?

There are people who propose that the Genesis Flood was a local event, or even tranquil. People who say this are attempting to accommodate secular geology (evolution and millions of years) while still trying to maintain a religious appearance. Also, I reckon the are unfamiliar with floods in the first place; even draining a basin gives them a small-scale glimpse of water power. Water Drain image credit: / Teerapun The global Flood was anything but tranquil, and Scripture makes it clear in numerous places that it was global. After all, it was a judgement of God. The Ark was also a type of Christ, and that also indicates the extent of the Flood. I've put forward the question, "In 2 Peter 3:2-4, Peter talks about the Genesis Flood. Then he talks about the coming Judgement by fire. Will that be a local event?" Not hardly! Have you ever thought about what Noah would have been able to see when he came off the Ark? Did he walk down the Mountains of