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They Exchanged the Truth for the Lie

Christians are to stand on the Word of God, which is inerrant in the original autographs (2 Peter 1:20-21), and is authoritative. We can learn not only about salvation (Rom. 3:23, Rom. 6:23, John 1:12-13, Eph. 2:8-9) and how to live the Christian life (2 Tim. 3:16), but why many people choose to reject God and ride the Owlhoot Trail.

Atheists and other people do not want the truth of God. They know he exists, but suppress the truth and exchange it for the lie.
Credit: Pixabay / Pete Linforth
Atheists often demand, "Prove to me God exists!", and enthusiastic but uninformed Christians attempt to give all kinds of proofs. If they had spent enough time in the Bible, these Christians would have seen that there is no place where someone tries to prove God's existence. Further, they know that God is real, but suppress the truth!

Have you noticed that there is more hostility in the world toward our Creator and his Word, and there is more persecution of Christians? Atheists and liberal "Christians" hate Genesis with a passion. Jesus, Peter, Paul, and others in the Bible quoted extensively from it to lay the foundations for most doctrines. Things are getting worse in the world — just like God said. In Romans 1:18-28, Paul showed how this suppression of truth leads to idolatry. No, that doesn't mean people carve out a physical idol to worship; idolatry is putting something ahead of God. We can see this when humans try to justify evolution and deny God's creative work. Even Christians can be idolaters. Such activity affects people in three primary areas of life.
In Romans 1 Paul lays out one of the clearest expositions of the gospel’s implications. In verse 16 he writes, "I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also to the Greek." Paul then moves on to talk about the righteousness of God that comes through the gospel (Romans 1:17). However, he recognizes that if he is going to talk about the good news, he first needs to talk about the bad news; we cannot really appreciate the good news until we understand how bad the bad news really is. This understanding is why he moves from righteousness revealed to wrath revealed (Romans 1:18). For Paul, God’s wrath is a present1 reality. It is the experience of the outworking of his handing people over to their sinful behavior (Romans 1:24, 26, 28). God’s wrath is therefore justified because of the ungodly and unrighteous acts people commit.
To read the rest, click on "The Apostle Paul’s Use of Genesis 1–3 in Romans 1".