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That Place where Solomon Built the Temple

A common red flag occurs when someone claims to have special insight or revelation, that everyone else is wrong, should make people suspicious. How about how the Koran was mistranslated, and it is not 72 virgins as a reward, but 72 raisins? That did not get much traction, did it?

Indeed, many cults claim that their founders received a new revelation so they are the One True Church™. People have been "correcting" the Bible about the Genesis Flood and Creation to comport with atheistic views of science. Something similar has been going on regarding the location of Solomon's Temple.

When people say they have new information and everyone else has been wrong for years, that is a red flag. The location of the Temple is challenged with bad logic and evidence.
Model of Solomon's Temple, WikiComm / Thomas Newberry, Metropolitan Museum of Art (CC0 1.0)
While there is nothing wrong with challenging the consensus (biblical creationists have been doing that for decades), such confrontations need to be backed up with evidence (biblical creationists have been doing that for decades as well). People were satisfied with what the Bible said about the Temple's location for many years, then two individuals claimed to have better information. Yeah, better than the Bible. For Christians, that's another red flag. A third would be to misrepresent their own sources as well as their opponents. Oh, and not answering critics. Lots of flags here.

Our [Answers in Genesis] attractions design team members have been busy laying the groundwork to produce the world’s most accurate scale model of Jerusalem c. AD 33. After hearing about this exciting project that will help people come to a deeper understanding of Scripture, some concerned individuals reached out urging us to rethink where we will depict the temple in the model. This is due to an idea popularized in the past few decades claiming that Solomon’s temple and the Second Temple were not built on the massive platform in Jerusalem known as the Temple Mount. Instead, these books, videos, and websites insist that Israel’s temples were built several hundred feet to the south in the city of David near or over the Gihon spring and that the Temple Mount was actually the foundation of Fortress Antonia.

There are two things to consider here. You can read the first and be done with it, or you can continue to the second article that is longer but gives detailed evidence for their position. So, to finish reading the first one, see "Where Did Solomon Build the Temple?" and the second is at "The Temple Was Built on the Temple Mount, Not in the City of David: Examining the Claims of the Alternate Location Hypothesis."