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Humans Designed for Earth Life

In Isaiah 45:18, we read that God created the earth for us. We have seen that our bodies have many marvelous examples of his engineering skills. This planet is made to keep us (and itself) going, and there are protections around the planet to shield us from cosmic dangers.

Stories about journeying to other planets real or imagined have been popular for a mighty long time. Passing through areas of radiation, colliding with asteroids and meteors, space junk and other problems are plentiful. Then there are concerns with human physiology.

People want to travel in space. Studies show that long-term weightlessness such as Valery Polyakov experience in the Mir space station, is harmful. Visiting other planets will likely remain science fiction.
Soviet space station Mir, modified by FotoSketcher from a 1989 NASA image of Mir taken by STS-89
In addition to being hit by something zooming past and requiring shielding from radiation, humans must be physically capable of withstanding the gravity to blast us up yonder. Another part of the problem with gravity is the lack of it while up there. Human red blood cells deplete quite rapidly, causing anemia and other physiological problems. Valery Polyakov set the record of about fourteen months being weightless on the Mir space station in 1995.

Going back down to Earth gives humans a gravity assist in getting those cells replenished, but it takes quite a spell. A trip to Mars would leave astronauts in bad shape after much more time than Valery spent, and they would not have Earth's full gravity to get them up and running.

There are other worlds — other realms — that are not the stuff of science fiction. They are mentioned in the Bible, and we will all go there one day. Study on this: angels and demons (who masquerade as space aliens) are transdimensional beings. Heaven is most likely in another realm with those spirits. When we get to Heaven, after we fall down in awe at the holiness and majesty of God, we may be able to do fantastic things only dreamt of in science fiction.

There is a Hell, probably in another realm as well. It won't be the fun place as described in heavy metal party bands, either. The torment will be indescribable. Worse, people will be lamenting because they had the opportunity to accept God's love and forgiveness, experience regeneration and adoption as his sons and daughters, and be in Heaven with the rest of us. Choose wisely. Meanwhile, we can also appreciate the planet God has given us, the beauty of which is a dim foreshadowing of what will come later.
Two million per second. That’s the rate at which a human body on earth destroys and makes red blood cells (RBC). In space, however, the destruction rate is 54% higher: 3 million RBCs are destroyed per second. That’s out of about 20-30 trillion RBCs in the body at equilibrium. Scientists at the University of Ottawa determined these numbers from blood samples from 14 astronauts returning to earth after six months in space.

It’s been known that long tours in space have deleterious effects on astronauts. Despite the happy grins of space travelers enjoying weightlessness, turning somersaults and playing tricks with floating food, each second takes a small toll on the body. Those seconds add up. After lengthy stays in the International Space Station (ISS), astronauts need time to readjust to earth gravity. Videos show astronauts unable to stand to their feet Five of 13 astronauts were clinically anemic when they landed.

To keep reading, see "Astronauts Lose Red Blood Cells."