Anti-creationists frequently misrepresent what we teach and believe as a matter of course, but there are simple errors that can be corrected with a little bit of investigation. Unfortunately, some of it is our own fault because professing creationists have wrong notions that they pass around.
It is a great time to be a biblical creationists. We have the inerrant Word of God and the scientific evidence to verify recent creation. There are numerous sites and ministries that supply us with theological and scientific information, so there is no real excuse for being uninformed on basic things. It's not difficult, and can be interesting as well as fun. Here are some basic corrections to errors.
Credit: RGBStock / Colin Bamford |
Have you ever heard that men have fewer ribs than women? Or that it never rained before the flood? What about the increasingly popular argument that the earth is flat? These and many other common misconceptions are often based on inaccurate historical data, unsupported scientific models, misinterpretation of Scripture, or mere speculation.You can finish reading the article or download the excerpt at "Common Misconceptions About Creation".
As Christians, we must be careful to discern sound ideas from falsehoods so that we may honor Christ and proclaim the truth of his Word—starting in Genesis. Whether responding to a misguided fellow believer or a hostile skeptic, we must address these misconceptions by using good judgment and appealing to reason, to observable science, and ultimately to God’s Word.