by Cowboy Bob Sorensen
This child has had problems with depression for decades, so I can relate to the frustration people feel when they are told to "get over it" or have similar dismissals. It seems like some folks just do not care. While that may be the case, we have to use our minds in our depressed moments — which can be difficult at times.
People are caught up in their own problems, whether it is relationship issues, bad employers, family difficulties, their own shallowness, health troubles, and maybe their own depression or mental health challenges.
Seems that everyone gets depressed now and then over circumstances, so the callous "get over it" is at least a mite understandable. Others have depression problems because of chemical imbalances or other medical causes that need to be diagnosed and treated; it annoys me that some of my hypertension and other medications contribute to depression. I believe that knowledge of what is happening is a step toward dealing with the ongoing problem.
I took medication for depression for several years, but went off it some time ago. Now I have to examine the situations and my reactions, and trust God. Don't run off, I'm not saying that becoming a Christian makes everything peachy keen. In fact, it can be a difficult life — but it has rewards, both in this life and especially in the life to come. Some folks get an emotional high after their conversion, but they need to mature in the faith, growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
You may have noticed that depression and suicide are on the increase. A good part of that is focusing on negativity. Atheists are the most negative, angry, and bitter people I have ever encountered. Indeed, atheists have a high suicide rate. Is it surprising, since they cling to an evolutionary worldview, where we are all the products of time, chance, and random processes? If all you are is a bunch of chemical reactions, you cannot trust your own thoughts to be rational or even real. When you die, you're worm food; no afterlife, no justice or judgement, and no hope.
Materialistic and postmodern philosophies are unable to get to the root cause; it is not just psychological or medical, but primarily spiritual (people who do not know God are belong to and are controlled by their father down below). There is a way for change, but it involves humbling yourself and accepting the salvation offered through God the Son, who became a man, was crucified for our sins, and bodily arose, thereby defeating death. Then, God the Holy Spirit indwells us. He also guides is when reading the Bible, the written Word of God.
There is someone I knew that was a happy Christian for some time, but has not only problems with depression, but a habitual negative outlook. This is not what God prescribes for us! Like atheists, she developed a habit of seeing the bleak side of things and dwelling on disappointments. She forgot (and sometimes I may forget like I did when I had suicidal thoughts not all that long ago) that she has a personal relationship with the Creator of the universe, who has redeemed her and lives in her. Perhaps she needs to examine herself and make certain that she really has received Christ. Unfortunately, too many professing Christians are actually false converts, giving intellectual assent or are "cultural" Christians.
I recently heard a sermon that mentioned the book of Ruth. Her mother-in-law Naomi had some serious setbacks in life, and told people to call her Mara, meaning bitter, because she felt that God had dealt bitterly with her. Later, when she's helping Ruth get acquainted with Boaz, you can see that her spirit had improved. The fact that her attention was no exclusively on herself may be a big part of the change.
People need the proper perspective. Although I detest the trite saying, "Count your blessings", there is truth in it, but it needs to be taken further and developed. To borrow something my father used to say, "Ya gotta wanna". Now I'm going to turn you over to the article that inspired what I have written here.
This child has had problems with depression for decades, so I can relate to the frustration people feel when they are told to "get over it" or have similar dismissals. It seems like some folks just do not care. While that may be the case, we have to use our minds in our depressed moments — which can be difficult at times.
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Credit: RGBStock / Jeff Grace |
Seems that everyone gets depressed now and then over circumstances, so the callous "get over it" is at least a mite understandable. Others have depression problems because of chemical imbalances or other medical causes that need to be diagnosed and treated; it annoys me that some of my hypertension and other medications contribute to depression. I believe that knowledge of what is happening is a step toward dealing with the ongoing problem.
I took medication for depression for several years, but went off it some time ago. Now I have to examine the situations and my reactions, and trust God. Don't run off, I'm not saying that becoming a Christian makes everything peachy keen. In fact, it can be a difficult life — but it has rewards, both in this life and especially in the life to come. Some folks get an emotional high after their conversion, but they need to mature in the faith, growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
You may have noticed that depression and suicide are on the increase. A good part of that is focusing on negativity. Atheists are the most negative, angry, and bitter people I have ever encountered. Indeed, atheists have a high suicide rate. Is it surprising, since they cling to an evolutionary worldview, where we are all the products of time, chance, and random processes? If all you are is a bunch of chemical reactions, you cannot trust your own thoughts to be rational or even real. When you die, you're worm food; no afterlife, no justice or judgement, and no hope.
Materialistic and postmodern philosophies are unable to get to the root cause; it is not just psychological or medical, but primarily spiritual (people who do not know God are belong to and are controlled by their father down below). There is a way for change, but it involves humbling yourself and accepting the salvation offered through God the Son, who became a man, was crucified for our sins, and bodily arose, thereby defeating death. Then, God the Holy Spirit indwells us. He also guides is when reading the Bible, the written Word of God.
There is someone I knew that was a happy Christian for some time, but has not only problems with depression, but a habitual negative outlook. This is not what God prescribes for us! Like atheists, she developed a habit of seeing the bleak side of things and dwelling on disappointments. She forgot (and sometimes I may forget like I did when I had suicidal thoughts not all that long ago) that she has a personal relationship with the Creator of the universe, who has redeemed her and lives in her. Perhaps she needs to examine herself and make certain that she really has received Christ. Unfortunately, too many professing Christians are actually false converts, giving intellectual assent or are "cultural" Christians.
I recently heard a sermon that mentioned the book of Ruth. Her mother-in-law Naomi had some serious setbacks in life, and told people to call her Mara, meaning bitter, because she felt that God had dealt bitterly with her. Later, when she's helping Ruth get acquainted with Boaz, you can see that her spirit had improved. The fact that her attention was no exclusively on herself may be a big part of the change.
People need the proper perspective. Although I detest the trite saying, "Count your blessings", there is truth in it, but it needs to be taken further and developed. To borrow something my father used to say, "Ya gotta wanna". Now I'm going to turn you over to the article that inspired what I have written here.
Entering a relationship with your Maker through Jesus Christ is the key to healing suicidal tendencies, but there’s more to work on after you become a Christ follower, because even Christians can get depressed and suicidal. There are some day-to-day thought processes that need to change, and will change, as the Holy Spirit enters your life and begins to work. His work will accelerate as you study God’s word and learn to trust God in prayer. Finding Christian friends at a solid, Bible-believing, Bible-teaching church is extremely helpful for preventing suicidal thoughts from coming back, but there is more you can do silently in your own mind when you are alone.I really hope you will read the entire article. To do so, click on "Creation Therapy for Suicidal Thoughts".
I want to share what I think is the greatest daily therapy for preventing suicide, and that is: ‘Cultivate Gratefulness.’ It sounds too easy, but think about it. Look at what this one habit of mind can do for you.