Evolutionists answer questions like, "Where did consciousness come from? Why do we like — and make — music? Where did the laws of logic come from? When did the laws of nature take effect" by offering guesses, speculation and more theories. They do not make sense, but only raise more questions.
Theistic evolution is the belief that evolution happened, then they tack God's name onto it as if it is a blessing. (But if evolution happened, who needs God?) For them, God used the amazingly inefficient, wasteful and cruel method of evolution in his creation. Of course, the Bible does not mean what it says in Genesis, and they have as much tap-dancing with compromise and excuses as the atheistic evolutionists have.
Here's a question to fluster theistic evolutionists: How do they explain the origin of morality?
Theistic evolution is the belief that evolution happened, then they tack God's name onto it as if it is a blessing. (But if evolution happened, who needs God?) For them, God used the amazingly inefficient, wasteful and cruel method of evolution in his creation. Of course, the Bible does not mean what it says in Genesis, and they have as much tap-dancing with compromise and excuses as the atheistic evolutionists have.
Here's a question to fluster theistic evolutionists: How do they explain the origin of morality?
In recent years there has been a growing body of literature in which theistic evolutionists advance arguments in support of their belief that evolution, properly understood, best describes God’s work of creation. As they see it, there are mainly two obstacles in the way of an evolutionary account of morality: reductionism in science and a literal-historical reading of Genesis 1–3. The aim of this paper is to draw attention to some of their theological and philosophical arguments and the problems they create for both themselves and young-earth creationists. My starting points are the biblical picture of natural kinds, the image of God, and Jesus’ understanding of Genesis 1–3. I then evaluate some of the weaknesses in the main arguments theistic evolutionists advance in support of their evolutionary account of morality. The conclusion is that theistic evolutionism is not only inconsistent with Scripture but also philosophically incoherent.Read the rest of "Can Theistic Evolutionism Explain the Origin of Morality?", here.