A straightforward reading of the creation accounts in Genesis give the impression that the days were literal days. Which is fine, because things like the "Gap Theory", "Progressive Creation", "Theistic Evolution", "Day-Age Theory" — these are modern inventions, and certainly not taught by the majority of the church fathers. Some people are claiming that the Hebrew does not mean a literal day, despite what has been believed for centuries.
In 1983, as a Junior, I walked into the University of Georgia’s religion building terrified. The professor was an expert in Hebrew from Yale University. I had been a Christian for only two years, and I wanted to learn that language.
I knew that the religion department doubted the authorship of Old Testament books. For them, the myth Enuma Elish was more important for understanding Genesis than was Moses, Paul, or Jesus. Most of them believed that evolution disproved Christianity once and for all. Jesus was just a man, and the Bible was a book like any other book—written only by man and full of errors.
I knew at the core of this secular approach to Bible study was the axiom that human reason is supreme. They believed that scholars are over, rather than under, God’s Word. So I anxiously wondered how studying Hebrew in a secular setting might help or hurt my faith.
You can read the rest of "24 Hours — Plain as Day", here.