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Logic and the Bible

Some people are intimidated by discussions about logic, there is no need for that. We use it all the time. Obviously, most of us do not get formal with it, we just reason our way through problems, play games, and so forth. Although logic discussions can use notations similar to those of algebra, the letters are shorthand and make sense. Credit: Freeimages / Aleksandra P. There are some things about logic that may seem surprising. Laws of logic are intangible, like numbers. If you write "5" or "law of identity" on a board, then erase it, the number or law does not cease to exist. Logic is actually a reflection of the mind of God, and we use it because we are created in his image. Without God, then logic, numbers, and science would be impossible! Dr. Jason Lisle explains the three main laws of logic and their biblical basis in this article. Laws of logic are the rules of correct reasoning.  They reflect the way God thinks and the way we must think if we are t

Is Christianity Fading Away?

There was a time when church-going had the appearance of being respectable, even if people were insincere about their beliefs. Today, there is open contempt for Christianity, and atheists claim that their numbers are increasing. However, that is a bit difficult to tell, because sometimes not even atheists know the meaning of atheism, such as "Christian atheists". Those folks seem a mite confused, don't you think? In addition, hardcore atheists like to claim that the increase of "nones" in surveys mean that they are "winning". Not hardly! "None" means not affiliated with a particular religion or denomination; it does not mean a rejection of God. I'll let you in on something: I left the church I was attending because of what I considered their "stealth creationism" — they believed in it, but didn't want to be "labeled" . This area has apostate churches or strange gatherings, so this child is, by some measure, a &qu

Those Specialized Christian Words

"Excuse me, Cowboy Bob, can you spare a moment?" "Sure." "I am concerned with your conduct a few moments ago. It was not consistent with some biblical principles." "Thanks for bringing that to my attention. My sanctification in that area is rather lacking. Please pray for me." Credit: Pixabay / StockSnap People have their own specialized words and terms in various places, and sometimes they seem to be speaking a somewhat different language. A mechanic can tell you what needed to be repaired on your vehicle, the sergeant gives instructions to the troops, my wife tells me what went on in her workplace, the cowboys on the ranch discuss work that is being done, Christians can write and talk to each other, and so on. Some use "regular" words that have entirely different meanings in various contexts, some words are unique for the people involved. Most of us, even as individuals, have lingo that needs to be explained to other folks

The Laminin Cross and Apologetics Gimmicks

The best-known symbol of Christianity, the cross, is used in merchandising, jewelry, decoration, and more. This is sometimes done by unbelievers, or people who give an intellectual assent to the truth of the gospel but do not have serious convictions about its meaning. Credit: Open-i / NIH (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) One of those misused things is the protein called  laminin.  In some instances, it has a resemblance to a cross.  Some folks got all het up about it and used it as evidence for God's existence and the truth of the gospel. Some may reckon it as evidence for creation (take that,  evolutionists!), but it is nothing of the kind. This is not apologetics, old son. We need to cowboy up and do some serious work for the presentation and defense of the gospel and biblical creation. On a related note, we had someone at The Question Evolution Project who was enthusiastic about supporting Genesis 6 and insisting that hoax pictures of "giants&

Enoch, the Bible, and the Flat Earth

You have probably heard the story that Christopher Columbus defied the consensus of the flat earth by taking his voyage, but that is a myth . The truth is, most people believed the world was spherical, even from ancient times. Sure, there have always been a few folks who believed the world was flat, but for some reason, there has been an increase in flat earth proponents in recent years. Image credit: Pixabay / JooJoo41 Unfortunately, professing Christians are getting caught up in this, as well as secularists. In my opinion, some of those Christians want to feel superior to those of us who believe in the spherical earth because they really believe the Bible. But it does not teach this. Some atheists are milking the idea that the Bible teaches a flat earth in one of many efforts to misrepresent Scripture and especially biblical creation science. Kind of like when J. Edgar Hoover's enemies spread the discredited story that he was a crossdresser. One tinhorn is doing the ty

Using Secular Science to Negate Bible Miracles

There was a time when the Bible was respected as a source of history from believers and secular scholars alike, but that seems to be fading nowadays. As atheism, anti-creationism, postmodernism, and other things are ramping up, attacks on the Bible are also increasing.  Credit: Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, NASA Johnson Space Center (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) However, blatant attacks on the Bible by village atheists who get false information from their bigotry clearinghouses are the domain of amateurs. Many will argue from their materialistic presuppositions by asserting that miracles cannot happen, and find excuses to dismiss them individually. To get even more viperine, scoffers rely on the public's adoration of what "scientists say", then use scientific finagling to discredit miracles. This is inconsistent, since they are trying to disprove events that they claim never happened in the first place. In this example, we have the

Legacies of Eve

Adam and Eve , Lucas Cranach, ca. 1520 Way back yonder in Genesis, God formed Eve from Adam's side and then brought her to him. It's easy to read Adam's remarks as a kind of dull speech, but take a look: This is now bone of my bones, And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man. (Gen. 2:23) I have to agree with someone, I disremember who, that said Adam was making a joyous exclamation that could be heard with the excited voice when a guy says, "Allll RIIIIGHT!" Personally, I expect Eve was a hot babe. In fact, the first couple were probably the best looking folks in history — despite their depictions in classic art. We know what happened in the third chapter of Genesis: the serpent deceived Eve by appealing to her pride (a strategy he successfully uses with humanity even today), she gave the fruit to Adam who probably watch the whole deception thing happening, death entered the world through sin. That's one le

The Historicity of Noah's Grandsons

Although the Bible is a book of history and is extremely detailed in many aspects, scoffers often refuse to consider it. Why? Because it's the Bible. They are using the genetic fallacy , and insist on verification from secular sources. This has happened many times (see, for example, " Archaeology Supports the Bible "). One area that is easy to mock is the dispersal of the growing world population at Babel. Credit: Freeimages / B S K Before the Genesis Flood, people packed a passel of years under their belts. Afterward, not so much. However, most of Noah's grandsons still managed to live a long time. Their descendants migrated, built cities, and did what many people still do today: name cities and regions after their patriarchs. The history of these folks is well established. When Noah and his family stepped out of the Ark, they were the only people on Earth. It fell to Noah’s three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and their wives, to repopulate the Earth through

The Origin of Sin

The expected response to the question, "What was the beginning of sin", is probably when Adam and Eve at that apple. Actually, no. The Bible does not say apple , that's a bit of information for you to carry around and shine up to show people on occasion. In addition, Eve was deceived by the serpent, which was the work of Satan. For some reason, Adam chose to eat the fruit that she gave to him. Interesting to note that if Eve had been presuppositional in her approach, she would have stopped the whole thing right there by declaring that she believed God, not Satan. Credit: cropped from Pixabay / RayHolloway If you study on it, you'll realize that the first sin was not with Adam and Eve. Instead, it was when Lucifer rebelled against God because of pride. Before that, everything was very good (Gen 1:31). This raises questions and can give material for a passel of sermons and articles, so we have to keep the subject narrow. Satan fell because of pride, and has appea

Misrepresenting Jesus on the Age of the Earth

Some folks riding for the old earth brand claim to believe the Bible, but their words betray them. They have a low view of Scripture, and put atheistic interpretations of science into the magisterial position over the Word of God. Old Earth creationists, theistic evolutionists (TEs) and the like find ways to sidestep what the Bible clearly says. Some reinterpret the clear teachings of Scripture because they are committed to deep time views. I reckon that they have to run to the excuse mill near the Darwin Ranch when annoying facts come to light, and keep on compromising.  via GIPHY Those of us who believe what the Bible says don't have that problem. Jaspers at the Biologos outfit have been playing fast and loose with God's Word (and siding with their atheist cohorts against biblical creationists). Sometimes, they even challenge Jesus. But he's the Creator (John 1:2-3, Col. 1:16-17), so I reckon he knows what he's talking about. In a recent column on the B