Some folks riding for the old earth brand claim to believe the Bible, but their words betray them. They have a low view of Scripture, and put atheistic interpretations of science into the magisterial position over the Word of God.
Old Earth creationists, theistic evolutionists (TEs) and the like find ways to sidestep what the Bible clearly says. Some reinterpret the clear teachings of Scripture because they are committed to deep time views. I reckon that they have to run to the excuse mill near the Darwin Ranch when annoying facts come to light, and keep on compromising.
Those of us who believe what the Bible says don't have that problem.
Jaspers at the Biologos outfit have been playing fast and loose with God's Word (and siding with their atheist cohorts against biblical creationists). Sometimes, they even challenge Jesus. But he's the Creator (John 1:2-3, Col. 1:16-17), so I reckon he knows what he's talking about.
Old Earth creationists, theistic evolutionists (TEs) and the like find ways to sidestep what the Bible clearly says. Some reinterpret the clear teachings of Scripture because they are committed to deep time views. I reckon that they have to run to the excuse mill near the Darwin Ranch when annoying facts come to light, and keep on compromising.
Those of us who believe what the Bible says don't have that problem.
Jaspers at the Biologos outfit have been playing fast and loose with God's Word (and siding with their atheist cohorts against biblical creationists). Sometimes, they even challenge Jesus. But he's the Creator (John 1:2-3, Col. 1:16-17), so I reckon he knows what he's talking about.
In a recent column on the BioLogos website (an organization founded to promote theistic evolution), regular contributor Ted Davis makes a vain attempt to evade Jesus’ teaching on the age of the earth. He takes issue with an argument CMI has used repeatedly—that Jesus and several New Testament authors made statements clearly indicating their belief in a young world . . .
To give one example, Jesus said that Adam and Eve were around “from the beginning of creation” (Mark 10:6). Old-earth timescales are inconsistent with Jesus’ teaching since, according to these views, humans only arrived billions of years after the beginning.To read the rest, click on "BioLogos misreads Jesus on the age of the earth".