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Showing posts with the label Hermeneutics

Hell, Creation and Side Issues

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Edited 1-11-2017 This article will undoubtedly upset some people. Do creationists have any business complaining about others who emphasize theological "side issues", when creation science is one of them? Absolutely! There are different kinds of side issues, some marginal importance and others with tremendous importance. Ancient of Days / William Blake, 1793 What is a "side issue"? People have their own opinions about and definitions for the term "side issue". One frequent connotation is that a side issue means something is not important. People are offended when they are told that the item they brought up is "just a side issue" and dismissed. For me, the best usage of "side issue" means that the subject under discussion is not essential to salvation. For example, belief in a literal six-day recent creation, belief in annihilation as opposed to eternal punishment in Hell, social concerns, speaking i