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Showing posts with the label Gospel

Understanding Genesis, Sin, and Death

Christians refer to something called original sin, but that expression is not in the Bible. (Some uninformed people believe that sex is the original sin, but even a cursory reading of the opening chapters of Genesis will erase that idea.) It goes back to Adam and Eve. Made at Atheists and other anti-creationists point to Genesis 2:17 and say, "God said they'd die when they ate the forbidden fruit, and they didn't. Therefore, it's an allegory or just a fairy tale!" Instead of listening to sidewinders like that, people should dig a little deeper. The literal translation is, "dying you shall die". That is, spiritual death happened then, and physical death came later, as well as affecting all of creation (Romans 8:22, Romans 5:12, 1 Corinthians 15:21-22). Old Earth creationists, theistic evolutionists, and other compromisers reject the truth that tampering with Genesis affects the gospel message. A series of compromises must ...

Strength in Suffering

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen In another article, I discussed how some people will turn their backs on God because of disappointment in their lives, whether trivial, expecting God to be a cosmic wish-granting genie, bringing problems upon themselves and then blaming God, or from serious hardships. Some find excuses to suppress the truth of God, preferring their own sin and pride to submission to their Creator. There are others who seek God in the midst of their hardships and remain faithful. See " Pain, Disappointment, and Apostasy ". Image credit: Pixabay / jill111 Paul the apostle had hardships (for example, see 2 Cor. 11:16-33, Acts 4:19-20), and you'd think that if he was relying on his own strength, he'd be quite willing to say, "Too much! I'm taking the next stage outta Dodge!" In Second Corinthians, he wrote, "By reason of the exceeding greatness of the revelations, that I should not be exalted excessively, there was given to me a thorn in ...

The Season of the Witch Hunt?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Way back yonder in my school days, kids would get together based on hate. They didn't really understand hate, but they were upset with someone and disliked him or her. Then they'd recruit others to join them in their persecution efforts. You see that kind of thing today with the advent of the Internet, which became a useful tool for cyberstalking. Cyberstalking is a crime (not that people care about the law until they're actually captured). In some cases, cyberstalking and vicious bullying have driven people to suicide — and worse, such as in the case where it led to the deaths of three people . While it's fine to fellowship with people who agree with you on things (Christians are exhorted to do so throughout the New Testament, for example), recruiting people to join in a witch hunt is petty, childish, and harmful. Part of that is based on an inner need for acceptance and to feel important (some people want to save the world from the "e...

When Does a Christian Yield?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen When driving a motor vehicle or bicycle, drivers have to follow rules of the road for safety purposes. We have to learn many of the laws, and there are also times when signs are posted. The US and some other countries have a triangular red and white sign that says "Yield" (some Commonwealth countries have "Give Way") which mean to back off and let other traffic proceed or merge into your lane. On the highway's on-ramp, you have to safely merge with the traffic on the highway because they have the right of way, so you yield to them. I overheard someone complaining that it's the merging driver's responsibility, so she  doesn't have  to move over or slow down. That's myopic and selfish. Not only could this indignant motorist show some courtesy and help the merging car get into the flow of traffic, but it's in her best interest to help the other driver merge if possible (she might be in the newcomer's blind spot or ...

Video — "Evolutionism: The Greatest Deception of All Time"

This is a frustrating video. No, not for me, I think Dr. G. Thomas Sharp has some extremely important things to say that Christians need to heed; it is one of the best "relevance talks" on Genesis that I have ever heard. What is frustrating is that too many Christians want to be mediocre and have nice fuzzy warm feelings with their unbiblical wimpy Jesus picture on their dressers. For people who have the courage to watch this video, they will learn several things: Genesis is foundational to the gospel, Christians have compromised and consider the Bible itself to be insignificant, there is no regard for the authority of Scripture, the battle of origins has never been about science but has always been religious in nature, and more. I implore you to spend the forty-eight minutes and give serious consideration to what Dr. Sharp says. My guess is that people who do get something out of this talk will not only want to hear it again, but will want to share it. EDIT:  The orig...

Creation Sunday

Some Christians insist that creationism is divisive . Well, standing for the truth is divisive. But so was Jesus! (Luke 9.62, Matt. 10.34-39, Luke 11.23) People are ignorant (sometimes willingly) that creation is foundational to the gospel message . Many have compromised on a straightforward reading of God's Word , insisting on adding to it so they can have their own interpretations and accommodate atheistic interpretations of scientific evidence for an ancient Earth (Prov. 30.6). The Bible does not teach an ancient Earth , nor does it accommodate theistic evolution . There is no need to please men and dishonor God (Eph. 6.6, Gal. 1.10, Col. 3.23). Christians are to base our faith on God's Word (2 Peter 1.19, 2 Tim. 3.16), which does not change (Isaiah 40.8, Mark 13.31). Consider this: Philosophies of science continually change. If someone bases their faith and their understanding of the Word of God on what "science" has given, what will become of their ...

Forty Years of Abortion "Rights" in America

This is the fortieth anniversary of the infamous " Roe v Wade " abortion decision in the United States. (Norma McCorvey ("Jane Roe") turned around and became a pro-life supporter.) And yet, under the pretense of "women's rights", the killing of the unborn has become a political, emotional and moral controversy, a rude gesture in the face of the sanctity of life. It is also highly profitable for abortion mills, and Planned Parenthood also receives tax dollars . Tuesday, January 22, will mark 40 years since the Supreme Court of the United States handed down its 7-2 decision in the Roe v. Wade case, in which state laws prohibiting abortions were declared unconstitutional based on an alleged right to privacy in the due process clause of the 14th Amendment. Since that fateful day, over 54 million babies in the U.S. have been legally murdered through surgical abortions—and many more through other means such as abortifacient drugs. Various liberal gr...

Ashamed of Christians

Servants, be obedient to those who according to the flesh are your masters, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as to Christ; not in the way of service only when eyes are on you, as men pleasers; but as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart; with good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men; knowing that whatever good thing each one does, he will receive the same again from the Lord, whether he is bound or free. — Ephesians 6.5-8 , World English Bible I've got nothing against God, it's his fan club I can't stand. — Unbelievers' slogan This is not an easy article to write. Here I am on vacation, the place to myself, and I'm running all over chasing after shiny things instead of actually writing it. Then I had to walk away to think and pray. Once you read it, you will see why I had difficulties. Although I do not set out to irritate people on this Weblog, I am certain that people on both sides of the chas...

Dealing with Arrogant Atheists

Ironically, the fundamentally flawed atheistic worldview has helped modern Christianity by forcing questions and issues into our faces that were sidestepped and ignored. (I think some of the questions were also in the minds of believers as well, but we did not bother to ask.) One reason that people have abandoned their faith is when they would ask questions about the very first book of the Bible and receive scolding or pious non-answers. Apologists have been becoming more skilled, more knowledgeable and more plentiful. The same with apologetics ministries. I have been encouraging Christians from the beginning of this Weblog to know what and why we believe (2 Peter 3.18) so that we can share the gospel effectively (1 Peter 3.15, Jude 1.3 NASB) and be on guard against false teachers and compromisers (Matthew 7.15 ESV, 2 John 1.7, 2 Cor. 11.13-15). This includes the so-called "New Atheist" movement. (It has been pointed out that there is not much "new" in it, ju...

Christian Fundamentalism and Anti-Intellectualism

"To be ignorant and simple now – not to be able to meet enemies on their own ground – would be to throw down our weapons, and betray our uneducated brethren who have, under God, no defense but us against the intellectual attacks of the heathen." — C.S. Lewis  By Cowboy Bob Sorensen Edited September 13, 2016   This is a difficult article to write because supporting documents are difficult to obtain. Although there is a plethora of material that states, essentially, "Christian Fundamentalism is anti-intellectual", I am unwilling to use it because of anti-Fundamentalist bias. (Ironic, really, that liberal analyses decrying the anti-intellectualism of Fundamentalism are themselves slanted and illogical in their approach.) There are some problems and bad connotations associated with the Fundamentalist movement , but I am not interested in emotionally-laden terminology. Therefore, this article will draw from my own thoughts, research and experiences. If pe...

Should We Clam Up about the Outlandish Stuff?

If I profess, with the loudest voice and the clearest exposition, every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christianity. Where the battle rages the loyalty of the soldier is proved; and to be steady on all the battle-field besides is mere flight and disgrace to him if he flinches at that one point. — Elizabeth Rundle Charles , wrongly attributed to Martin Luther Do you have outlandish beliefs and doctrines? I don't mean strange cult stuff like the serpent seed doctrine or that you must speak in tongues or you are not saved . But then, I did not start with a fair question. Actually, do you think that your beliefs are outlandish, or seem outlandish to unbelievers? Further, are you embarrassed and hide your beliefs? Regular readers know that I am biblical ("young earth") creationist. I reject evolution because th...

Saturday Resource: Evolution Sunday?

As I mentioned in yesterday's brief episode (the one with the ninety seconds long audio clip), churches are sliding so far downhill that pastors are using material from atheists to promote evolution from the pulpit! I feel that Christians who actually believe the word of God should not only be having " Creation Sunday " in their churches, but actively promoting " Question Evolution Day " (and questioning evolution every day with Scripture and science). One of the purposes of this Weblog is to encourage Christians to grow in the Word (2 Peter 3.18) and be able to stand for the truth (Jude 1.3, 2 Peter 3.15). Saying that Genesis is "just allegory" and compatible with evolution is not being truthful. (Quick example, the order of creation in Genesis has nothing to do with the sequence expected in evolutionism philosophies.) In fact, it is destructive to the gospel to compromise. Here is today's resource. It is from "Crosstalk", "VCY ...