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Secular Miracles to Explain Away Miracles of Jesus

The secular press builds up the secular science industry with promoting evolution, misrepresenting the Bible, and so on. They mocked the Biblical account of the Canaanite city of Hazor but were proven wrong. Speaking of, the press humiliated themselves with their claims about the demise of the Canaanites in the Bible.

Do y'all wonder why, in their rush to mock Scripture and Christians, secularists conduct shoddy research that is parroted by the uncritical press? Those of us who read our Bibles know what is going on.

Sea of Galilee, Unsplash / Chris Gallimore
To degrade the of God, scoffers often resort to mockery, which frequently involves misrepresentation. Miracles? Naa...there's a naturalistic explanation. In the miracles involving fish (the great catch and the feeding of thousands on two separate occasions), the secular miracle of conditions causing massive fish die-offs occurred. Never mind the text, and ignore the fact that there were fishermen involved who know about such things. Those sidewinders need to cowboy up and realize that Jesus is God the Son, the Creator, and the miracles were real.
There’s a long-standing tradition by modernists to “demythologize” Biblical miracles, claiming that they have a natural explanation. For those having an anti-supernatural bias, the explanations can seem more scientific. Often, though, the alternative explanation can appear less logical than the miracle – in effect replacing one kind of miracle with another.

The rest is found at "Demythologizing Bible Miracles Creates Absurdities." Also recommended is "The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes Not So Miraculous Say Scientists." Yes, there is some overlap, but also some other interesting information.