A common way of insulting God is to attack his work (including dysteleology, the idea that things like the human eye were poorly created), and to attack created things. Attacking Christians and creationists is like catnip to atheists and anti-creationists, who deny that we are created in God's image. One mystical belief involves the water drop concept.
Similar to the self-refuting Omega Point philosophy, this modified Eastern idea is that drops of water converge and lose their identities in the ocean. It came from Hinduism, which uses evolutionary concepts. However, we know from the Creator God's Written Word that he not only calls each star by name (Psalm 147:4), and he knows his people (John 10:28). Even drops of water have individual characteristics, and we are worth far more than drops; the Creator of the universe took the form of a man, was crucified, died, buried, and bodily arose. For you and for me.
Credit: Pexels / Sourav Mishra |
You can finish reading by clicking on "Water Drops and Human Value".When skeptics criticize biblical teachings, they often attack God’s character. One tactic is to malign the Creator by devaluing the people He created. When someone denies the precious worth of human life, that denial clashes with the Bible’s teachings about how God made and cares for humans.For example, an astrophysics professor who advocates New Age mysticism once used Hinduism’s drop-of-water analogy to imply that an individual’s unique value is an illusion, or ephemeral at best. This portrays our earthly journeys as emptying into a common “one size fits all” dead-end. What weird and pessimistic theory was he promoting?