by Cowboy Bob Sorensen
Wisdom itself beings with God (Prov. 1:7), and the Bible is to be the foundation for the Christian's thinking in all areas (Psalm 119:105, 2 Tim. 3:16-17, Rom. 11:33). As we have seen in several articles here and on other biblical creation sites, Genesis is the source of all major Christian doctrines. Some professing Christians as well as atheists, old earth proponents, and other anti-creationists reject the authority of the Bible and attack not only the truth of God's Word, but also the people who take their stand on it.
The first line of offense for anti-creationists is to attack the person with ad hominem remarks and ridicule. If you read comments on posts, forums, and so forth, the hatred is palpable. They also blatantly misrepresent Scripture and creationists. Although denying the Bible, some (like this tinhorn) pretend to understand it and use it to demonize creationists. I do not say this lightly: such people are evil, seeking to destroy under the pretense of defending "science". Only their narrow, rigid views are to be tolerated, and the views of people who disagree are to be silenced. This silencing is often attempted through the aforementioned ridicule and misrepresentation.
Some professing Christians are willing to ride with atheists for the anti-creationist brand and ridicule not only biblical creation science, but the people who proclaim it as well — and many do it with fervor, giving aid and comfort to enemies of God. I reckon John 13:35 has been blotted out of their Bibles, as well as other verses about showing love for Christian brethren and for God's Word. This makes me wonder if they've actually read the New Testament.
I have seen some misotheists say they can accept some "moderate" Christians as long as they reject recent creation and the Genesis Flood. As regular readers have seen or a search of the site will reveal, denying the Flood is required by old earth and theistic evolutionary views but essentially calls Jesus, Peter, Paul and other who affirm the Flood to be liars! That is not "moderate" by any means.
Teaming up with unbelievers to ridicule believers really takes the rag off the bush. They are elevating atheistic interpretations of science to the magisterial position above God's Word as the final authority, which opposes the Bible that they claim to believe. It's who they are and what they do. God meant what he said about creation, and he said it plainly, old son.
People in rebellion against God hate Bible-believing Christians because rebels hate Jesus (John 15:18, 2 Tim. 3:12). Why does the world hate him? Because he testifies of it (John 7:6-7) and people will stand before him at the Judgement (Jude 1:14-15, Rev. 20:12-13). If you profess to follow Christ but join with unbelievers, I strongly recommend that you examine yourself to see if you are indeed in the faith. Also, are these folks with such venomous ejecta the kind you really want to associate with?
Now I'm going to recommend an article by Dr. Jason Lisle. He expands on some of the things I mentioned earlier, and he shows how Craig's thinking is confused and is loaded with bad theology.
Wisdom itself beings with God (Prov. 1:7), and the Bible is to be the foundation for the Christian's thinking in all areas (Psalm 119:105, 2 Tim. 3:16-17, Rom. 11:33). As we have seen in several articles here and on other biblical creation sites, Genesis is the source of all major Christian doctrines. Some professing Christians as well as atheists, old earth proponents, and other anti-creationists reject the authority of the Bible and attack not only the truth of God's Word, but also the people who take their stand on it.
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Credit: Pixabay / Jeff Jacobs |
The Wisdom of the World
The Christian's faith is established in God, not in the ever-changing whims of man-made science philosophies. For example, some have joyously stated that proof of the Big Bang validates the Bible, only to have the evidence pulled out from under them. If someone's faith is based entirely on secular interpretations of science, they have little to support their beliefs when scientists change their minds. The wisdom and ways of God are far above those of man (1 Cor. 1:18-25, 2 Cor. 10:4-5 ESV).The first line of offense for anti-creationists is to attack the person with ad hominem remarks and ridicule. If you read comments on posts, forums, and so forth, the hatred is palpable. They also blatantly misrepresent Scripture and creationists. Although denying the Bible, some (like this tinhorn) pretend to understand it and use it to demonize creationists. I do not say this lightly: such people are evil, seeking to destroy under the pretense of defending "science". Only their narrow, rigid views are to be tolerated, and the views of people who disagree are to be silenced. This silencing is often attempted through the aforementioned ridicule and misrepresentation.
Unequally Yoked
A frequent admonition for Christians who are considering marrying unbelievers is found in 2 Corinthians 6:14. The most common translation is that we are not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers, and some render it mismatched, bound together or similar expressions. It is also used in counsel regarding business partnerships with unbelievers. Christians should also avoid other alliances with those in rebellion against God.Some professing Christians are willing to ride with atheists for the anti-creationist brand and ridicule not only biblical creation science, but the people who proclaim it as well — and many do it with fervor, giving aid and comfort to enemies of God. I reckon John 13:35 has been blotted out of their Bibles, as well as other verses about showing love for Christian brethren and for God's Word. This makes me wonder if they've actually read the New Testament.
I have seen some misotheists say they can accept some "moderate" Christians as long as they reject recent creation and the Genesis Flood. As regular readers have seen or a search of the site will reveal, denying the Flood is required by old earth and theistic evolutionary views but essentially calls Jesus, Peter, Paul and other who affirm the Flood to be liars! That is not "moderate" by any means.
Teaming up with unbelievers to ridicule believers really takes the rag off the bush. They are elevating atheistic interpretations of science to the magisterial position above God's Word as the final authority, which opposes the Bible that they claim to believe. It's who they are and what they do. God meant what he said about creation, and he said it plainly, old son.
People in rebellion against God hate Bible-believing Christians because rebels hate Jesus (John 15:18, 2 Tim. 3:12). Why does the world hate him? Because he testifies of it (John 7:6-7) and people will stand before him at the Judgement (Jude 1:14-15, Rev. 20:12-13). If you profess to follow Christ but join with unbelievers, I strongly recommend that you examine yourself to see if you are indeed in the faith. Also, are these folks with such venomous ejecta the kind you really want to associate with?
William Lane Craig Denies Recent Creation
Dr. Craig has openly mocked biblical creationists. He does not perform proper exegesis, preferring philosophy to biblical authority. Yes, he devastates atheism and affirms theism, but incompletely because he does not present the true God of the Bible.Now I'm going to recommend an article by Dr. Jason Lisle. He expands on some of the things I mentioned earlier, and he shows how Craig's thinking is confused and is loaded with bad theology.
Our critic this week is Dr. William Lane Craig, a philosophy professor and Christian apologist. Although Craig defends Scripture in some areas, he adamantly denies literal (6-day) creation in favor of the big bang and secular timescale. Last week [November 18, 2018] he responded to a question posted on his blog. His response seems to indicate a lack of faith in the clarity and authority of God’s Word, and a misplaced confidence in the opinions of fallible men. This highlights the difference between classical/evidential apologists like Craig, and those apologists who embrace biblical authority as the ultimate presupposition by which all experience is made intelligible.To read the rest of this important article, click on "William Lane Craig on Genesis". Also, I recommend a video message by Adrian Rogers, "Your Friendly Enemy". Edit: I added a very short video below, just above the music.