The above quote ties in nicely with some things I have said in the past. Sometimes, Christians want to be convincing, so we resort to assuming that impressive (or sensationalistic) reports are true without verifying them. I have received the old "atheist professor and the chalk that would not break" e-mail that is not true. How about the debate on the King James Only controversy, and it has been falsely proclaimed that a man defending a newer translation of the Bible was stricken by God and lost his voice (that claim is answered here). Or the "Russians drilled into Earth's crust and heard screams from Hell" gag. (Imagine a Russian accent here: Please to be giving me large break!)."We have to answer the current scientific attitude toward Christianity, not the attitude scientists adopted one hundred years ago. Science is in continual change and we must try to keep abreast of it. We may mention such things; but we must mention them lightly and without claiming that they are more than 'interesting.' Sentences beginning “Science has now proved” should be avoided. If we try to base our apologetic on some recent development in science, we shall usually find that just as we have put the finishing touches to our argument science has changed its mind and quietly withdrawn the theory we have been using as our foundation stone."— C.S. Lewis, "Christian Apologetics", 1945
What happens when we trust new "discoveries" and proclaim them as earth-shaking truths, only to find out that they are incorrect, or worse, fake? We look like st00pid dumb Xtians! Embarrassing. I like what C.S. Lewis said above, that we should refer to something as "interesting", and not base our arguments on something that may vanish later.
By the way, for arguments' sake (yours and mine), I have some links to arguments that Creationists should not use. One is from Answers in Genesis, the other is from Creation Ministries International.
Now, keep on contending for the faith (Jude 1.3, 1 Peter 3.15). Without sensationalism, if you don't mind.