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Showing posts with the label logic

Challenges for Christians

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen One of the most significant problems that Christians and creationists encounter from atheists is that they seem to want us to accept their evolutionary materialistic naturalistic presuppositions, but they do not want to let us have our own presuppositions. Because we reject their views and believe God's Word and in miracles, we are often labeled "science deniers" or "reality deniers". The problem here is that they are denying logic itself by imperiously setting the definitions of "science" and "reality" in their favor. From there, they feel entitled to ridicule and misrepresent us. I don't rightly recollect anybody appointing atheists to be in charge of definitions. Image credit: Wikimedia Commons / Larch Although village atheists claim to believe in "reason" and "science", they frequently display little knowledge of or skill in either one. (For example, there is a narcissistic atheopath

Scientifically Proving the Existence of God

A common occurrence for Christians and creationists is to have a smug atheist issue the demand, "Prove to me that God exists using science". These people who claim to believe in science and "reason" are arguing from their naturalistic presuppositions, but demonstrate not only their ignorance of the nature of God, but are also committing the formal logical fallacy known as the category error . That is, it's impossible to use man-made science philosophies and methods to "prove" the existence of God, who exists outside the confines of time, space, and matter. Then the owlhoots claim victory over the stupid Christian and proclaim that God does not exist, then try to prove evolution. However, there is abundant evidence for the existence of God, beginning from inside the questioner (Romans 1:18-23, Psalm 53:1 ESV). Image of God by Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni, painted in the 1500s, modified by a graphic from Clker clipart Similarly, a

Dancing the Heresy Two-Step

We are seeing 2 Peter 3:3-4 happening right before our eyes . Worse than that, Christianity is being eaten away from the inside. People will proclaim themselves as modern prophets and apostles with "new revelations" from God. Christians should be saying, "Hang on a minute. Where did you get that from the Bible? Oh, you heard from God personally? You know, like Joseph Smith? The canon of Scripture is closed,  as are the offices of apostle and prophet. Let me check your presumptuous pronouncements against the written Word of God". Instead, too many are staring in wide-eyed wonder, being gullible, and being whipped into a frenzy by the false teachers. Image credit: Morguefile / clarita (modified) Many false teachers with throw some Scripture into the mix, but it's a bait 'n' switch tactic, the Heresy Two-Step. Be discerning and watchful. Notice that they are not fond of reading verses in context, often reading a bit and then telling you what

You're Bad, So I Can Do What I Want!

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen In the beginning was blamestorming. After eating the forbidden fruit, Eve some to Adam, and he blamed both Eve and God for his choice (Gen. 1:12). When confronted, Eve blamed Satan for her choice, and made the excuse that she was deceived (Gen. 3:13). Seems to be human nature to blame others for our own bad decisions, and to seek other ways of justifying our actions. This can be seen throughout history through today. "Unpopular Opinion Puffin" has an unpopular opinion. Atheists will use an argument from outrage, including cherry-picking things in the Bible that they don't like to justify denying God's existence and authority. Likewise, they will use Bible texts that they don't understand to make excuses for rebelling against God, such as "How can a loving God..." Well, how can an honest person not bother to do some homework on the questions? One way I've seen the "logic" of unbelievers seems to work this wa

Lack of Evidence, Lack of Faith

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen A documentary movie called Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus by Timothy Mahoney has been causing quite a stir in Christian and secular circles. It has received praise from many Christian organizations, as well as creation science ministries such as Answers In Genesis and Creation Ministries International . You can buy it, or rent it online from places like Amazon. This is not a review, as I have not yet seen the movie or read the book. My purpose here is a mite different. I was listening to Derek Gilbert's interview of Mr. Mahoney on " A View from the Bunker ". From about the 2 minutes 40 seconds mark through 11 minutes, he gave background on what motivated him to do investigations and make the film. He went to a dig site in Egypt for Goshen, and it was the area of Rameses (but I don't know which Rameses he meant). He asked an archaeologist if anything had been found about the Israelites having been there, and  the answer was that nothing

Ashamed of Christians

Servants, be obedient to those who according to the flesh are your masters, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as to Christ; not in the way of service only when eyes are on you, as men pleasers; but as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart; with good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men; knowing that whatever good thing each one does, he will receive the same again from the Lord, whether he is bound or free. — Ephesians 6.5-8 , World English Bible I've got nothing against God, it's his fan club I can't stand. — Unbelievers' slogan This is not an easy article to write. Here I am on vacation, the place to myself, and I'm running all over chasing after shiny things instead of actually writing it. Then I had to walk away to think and pray. Once you read it, you will see why I had difficulties. Although I do not set out to irritate people on this Weblog, I am certain that people on both sides of the chas