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Atheists, Psychology, and the Meaning of Life

In an earlier post, we saw that people try to find meaning in life through many ways, but these all fail in the end. Although atheists suppress the truth of God, they know deep down that God does exist. Some reject the bleak arbitrary assertions by people like C. Richard Dawkins. One atheistic psychologist attempts to make sense of life while still denying the truth. Credit: / Ambro Secular psychology is essentially based on Darwinism, so it is no surprise that people cannot find true meaning through it. They deny that we were made by and for God. Naturalists are self refuting by attempting to use logic and science, but those are impossible without God; if God did not exist, neither would logic . An atheist (especially a secular psychologist) is left with an incoherent worldview based on speculations, arbitrary assertions, faulty reasoning, and so on. Only the biblical worldview has the necessary preconditions of human experience, and it begins in Genesis.

Responding to Biblical Authority

There is something I think I need to say, but it may seem like self-praise. When I write posts and articles, I pray for several things, including that they glorify God, edify the saints, and encourage them to stand on the authority of God's Word. The authority of the Bible is overlooked or waved off far too often. Credit: Unsplash / Ben White The Bible is the foundation for the Christian's life and thinking in every area. It is unchanging. Cultural whims, governments, trends, opinions, and more come and go. Sometimes these change quite rapidly. Atheists have no consistent standard for logic and morality, but God's Word is our ultimate source for those things. If you study on it a mite, you'll see that Genesis is the source of all major Christian doctrines, and that is what secularists are attacking the most — beginning with creation. It is imperative that we respond properly to biblical authority. The linked article is written in an interview format where the au

Frequent Mistakes about Creation

Anti-creationists frequently misrepresent what we teach and believe as a matter of course, but there are simple errors that can be corrected with a little bit of investigation. Unfortunately, some of it is our own fault because professing creationists have wrong notions that they pass around. Credit: RGBStock / Colin Bamford It is a great time to be a biblical creationists. We have the inerrant Word of God and the scientific evidence to verify recent creation. There are numerous sites and ministries that supply us with theological and scientific information, so there is no real excuse for being uninformed on basic things. It's not difficult, and can be interesting as well as fun. Here are some basic corrections to errors. Have you ever heard that men have fewer ribs than women? Or that it never rained before the flood? What about the increasingly popular argument that the earth is flat? These and many other common misconceptions are often based on inaccurate historical data

Effective Use of Social Media and Technology

We are closing in on Question Evolution Day , and even though the information in the article linked below applies to that event, it is important for any other time. Technology has many important benefits, but it also has a dark side by its very nature. We must have the right priorities and balance. Background image credit: Pixabay / Iván Tamás We are receiving all sorts of information pretty much constantly. Unfortunately, it is dominated by harmful messages and untruthful material about anthropogenic climate change, evolution, adulterous relationships. false views of the Bible, and more. However, we also have a voice and opportunities to make an impact. Smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops, and other computers connect us to the world. I have people I care about that I've never met and an online creation science ministry. Much of my preparation comes from technology, including podcasts, sermons (I don't want to get "tunnel vision" and not learn other areas of

Questions for Confrontations on the Bible

Some people get on the prod and want to attack God, the Bible, creation, and Christians. It seems they just want to watch the Bible burn — and to shake our faith. Others, however, have serious inquiries and we can help remove stumbling blocks. What follows is helpful for Question Evolution Day . Credit: Freeimages / Marek Vesely It is not uncommon for an unbeliever to come roaring with accusations against God and the Bible, and some say, "Prove to me scientifically that God exists". That one is the logical fallacy known as the category error , and is irrational. In other cases, use your discernment and use the principle of Proverbs 26:4-5. That is, do not allow the unbeliever to put you on the defensive and make the rules, but show how his or her views are erroneous. As we have seen before, we need to ask questions. This can be a mite disconcerting for someone who is looking for a fight, but it also shows that you are listening and can be a possible bridge to a discus

Pyramids and Other Structures Before the Genesis Flood?

Once in a while at The Question Evolution Project , people will ask about structures built before the Genesis Flood. These questions may include the pyramids of Egypt. A proper understanding of Flood geology indicates that it is extremely unlikely that any prediluvian construction could have survived the catastrophic activity of the Flood. However, some people have tried to tamper with biblical texts to say otherwise. Credit: Good Free Photos The original  manuscripts of the Bible no longer exist. The discipline of textual criticism  is the method of determining what those original manuscripts contained, and it can be an arduous process. Just ask Dr. James R. White  (who has made security guards nervous by reading ancient manuscript fragments through the glass at museums). Manuscripts are compared, and many scholars are confident that modern Bible translations are extremely accurate. Ever notice the footnotes in your Bible that refer to the Septuagint ? It is an old manuscript

Turning the God Spot Concept on its Head

A claim that is invariably made by professing atheists is along the lines of, "Atheism is the default position. People are born that way until they are indoctrinated with religion". When you ask for evidence for such an assertion, you are ignored or they change the subject and attack. In fact, research indicates that children are born as theists . Original image before modification from / yodiyim Materialists and evolutionists contradict their own epistemology by searching for the soul , and search the brain for free will . They deny that these immaterial things exist but search for them anyway. Then there is the idea that belief in God is based on brain "wiring". (No real wires, but it's a useful term. I like it.) Let's commence to doing a bit of the logic that we've been stressing. First of all, they are presupposing that the material things are all that exist. Therefore, God must be some kind of electrochemical reaction.